Organic Chemistry Introductory Review for Health Professionals
Time limit: 365 days
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Full course description
Are you pursuing a career in the health professions? Are you preparing to take the MCAT exam? If so, then this is the course for you.
This is an interactive online learning experience designed to prepare you for success by solidifying your understanding organic chemistry. In this course, you will review essential concepts from general chemistry and introductory organic chemistry. There will be opportunities throughout the course for you to practice important skills and test your knowledge on the concepts presented.
In this course, you will get (re)acquainted with the most important concepts, including:
- General Chemistry Review
- Nomenclature
- Stereochemistry and Regiochemistry
- Substitution and Elimination Reactions
- Addition Reactions with Alkenes
- Addition Reactions with Alkynes
- Oxygen and Sulfur Species
- Radical Reactions
NOTE: This is a self-paced course. You will have one year (365 days) to access this course.
This course is not a substitute for completing college-level coursework in organic chemistry covered on the MCAT exam. This course approach assumes that students have completed coursework covering the basic concepts that appear on the MCAT exam, but need a refresher before moving on to more advanced content area studies or before taking the exam itself.
Not every student will need to enroll in a prep course in order to succeed on the MCAT. But, if you think you do need some help, then we're here to help you succeed!